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Esg, Innovation and Compliance

Learn about our Sustainability initiatives, Compliance actions, Innovation programs, Human Rights Guidelines and how they influence the relationship with our supply chain.
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Good corporate governance and compliance practices are pillars that support our business.

We encourage our suppliers to implement compliance programs, setting and continually improving their governance, processes and controls to ensure compliance with the laws, standards and procedures applicable to their activities.

The main documents that set parameters for our relationship with our suppliers are the Petrobras Compliance Program , the  Ethical Conduct Guide For Suppliers , the Compliance Policy. These documents address such issues as conflicts of interest, nepotism, money laundering, terrorist financing, and the issue of gifts and hospitality.

To learn more about our compliance actions click here.

Also get to know what we consider gifts and hospitality and the requirements featured in our Receipt and Offering Guide.

Certificação Internacional ASCM

Somos a primeira empresa a obter a certificação da Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM) em excelência ambiental, ética e econômica na cadeia de contratação e suprimento de bens e serviços. A ASCM possui mais de 45 mil membros em 100 países e faz parte da American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS), uma organização internacionalmente renomada de certificação e treinamento de profissionais de contratação e suprimentos, com mais de 60 anos de atuação. Os auditores da ASCM analisaram mais de 170 documentos e avaliaram os nossos processos de contratação e logística em relação às melhores práticas internacionais, considerando mais de 148 critérios. Também visitaram as nossas unidades de logística de suprimentos, onde puderam verificar, por exemplo, o gerenciamento e controle automatizados nos armazéns, com adoção de soluções digitais, além do compromisso com altos padrões de tratamento das questões ambientais. O processo de certificação envolveu mais de 50 profissionais de várias áreas.

Três dimensões são avaliadas para que uma empresa obtenha a certificação da ASCM: ética, econômica e ecológica. Para essa avaliação, os processos de planejamento, fornecimento e entrega da cadeia de suprimentos são comparados com os padrões mundiais do mercado e da área acadêmica.

A certificação é válida por três anos, com o requisito anual de demonstrar aderência aos padrões definidos pela ASCM para manutenção do certificado durante todo o período de validade.
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Nossas minutas contratuais contemplam cláusula de conformidade, que preveem obrigações de compliance e visam estabelecer uma relação de negócios com nossos fornecedores baseada na ética, na integridade e na transparência.

Dentre os compromissos estabelecidos, destacamos o cumprimento da legislação vigente de prevenção à corrupção, à lavagem de dinheiro e do descumprimento de sanções comerciais; a notificação imediata de qualquer violação das leis anticorrupção e demais obrigações; e a implementação de procedimentos de compliance adequados. Nos contratos de fornecimento, também solicitamos permissão para verificarmos a conformidade da empresa em relação aos compromissos assumidos.


 Cláusula de conformidade

Accountability for harmful acts

Legal entities that commit harmful acts against Petrobras are subject to the Administrative Accountability Process (PAR). We use this tool to determine the companies’ liability for the practice of possible illegal acts, such as fraud and corruption, and this may result in the application of sanctions under the Anti-Corruption Law.

If the legal entity’s liability for the unlawful act is confirmed, after the administrative procedures provided for are carried out, including the broad right to be heard, a fine of 0.1% to 20% of the gross sales for the last financial year prior to the opening of the PAR and the extraordinary publication of the sanctioning administrative decision are provided for.

Acts considered harmful are listed in the Anti-corruption Act (Act No. 12,846/13).

For more information on the proceedings instituted and judged by the PAR, access our Transparency Portal.

Reporting channel

We have an external and independent Reporting Channel to register any situation that indicates there may be a breach or potential breach of ethical principles, policies, norms, laws and regulations or any other improper and/or illegal conduct. We receive complaints about our activities and about those of our subsidiaries through this channel.

The Channel is available 24 hours a day in 3 different languages and has security mechanisms to ensure the complainant's anonymity. In addition, the site allows the complainant to track the progress of their complaint.

Human Rights

We are committed to the principle of respecting, raising awareness, and promoting Human Rights in our activities, and to act in accordance with the precepts of the Federal Constitution and with the International treaties and conventions ratified by the government, such as the International Charter of Human Rights and Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights in the International Labor Organization-ILO, as well as the intituitional commitments assumed by the company such as:
- United Nations Global Compact;
- Women Empowerment Principles – UN Women;
- National Compact for the Eradication of Slave Labor – InPacto
- Enterprise Racial Equality Initiative
- Open Charter Enterprises for Human Rights
- Gender and Race Pro-Equity Program; and race.
- Declaration of Corporate Commitment to Combat the Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents

Our Guideline directs Petrobras operations regarding respect for Human Rights in all regions where it is presente, and throughout the life cycle of its projects and operations.

These guidelines are present in our Code of Ethical Conduct, in the Petrobras Ethical Conduct Guide for Suppliers, and in our policies regarding corporate Social Responsibility, Health, Safety, and the Environment, and Human Resources. The respect of Human Rights is also reflected in various actions to promote diversity, ensuring respect for diferences and equal opportunities.

Our work in Human Rights is guided by the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and is structured into four axes:

1. People Management;
2. Relationship with Communities;
3. Involvement with the Supply Chain and Partners; and
4. Human Rights Due Diligence

Our suppliers, demanding a similar stance from its (sub)supplies, commit to:

a) Respecting internationally recognized human rights, according to the provisions of the International Human Rights Charter, the International Labor Organization Declaration on the Fundamental Rights and Principles of Labor, the UN Guiding Principles on Companies and Human Rights (“Guiding Principles”) and the Decree n. 9.571 form 21 of November of 2018 and other applicable legislation;

b) Communicating the surrouding communities about activities affecting their daily life, so as to minimize impacts/risks, disturbances and conflicts arising from the execution of their relation with Petrobras

c) Offer reparations to communities for damages arising from its activities;

d) Not performing acts that chacacterize excessive force in interactions between security personnel, communities and workers.




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